The A to Z of Types of Jade Plants and its Crassula Cousins

Is there anyone who doesn't love succulents? They have to be the cutest plants ever, and I don't know about you, but it's nearly impossibly for me to walk by a succulent sale and not go home with an armful! Today, we are going to look at a specific type of succulent; and that is the genus Crassula.

There are around 200 species of Crassula succulents that happen to include our friend the jade plant (Crassula Ovata.) The genus Crassula falls in the stonecrop plant family (Crassulaceae.) Now that we have all the scientific names out of the way, let's talk jade plants!

Surprisingly there are approximately 1400 types of jade plants, so you can imagine just how unique each one can get. You can recognize these plants by their fleshy and jade-colored leaves, making it hard to differentiate them from their Crassula cousins who share bunk beds in the same plant genus.

So, in this list, we will not only include many of the types of jade plants, but we will also add some of its close Crassula relatives, so you can see just how much of a match we're talking about.

Crassula Arborescens

Crassula Arborescens is more commonly known as the silver dollar jade, the Chinese jade, or the money plant. I'm sure you've seen this lucky shrub around at some point as it is very popular as a house plant. The chubby leaves will sometimes have hints of red around the edge but are mainly this soft silvery-blue color.

Bear Paw (Crassula Pubescens)

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, or was he a jade plant? This plant's fuzzy leaves are what got it the name Bear Paw. It grows low to the ground and the leaves go from a green color in the shade to a purply-red when lazing around in full sun.

Crassula Babys Necklace

Up, up, and away it goes! The vertically stacked leaves of this jade cousin soar upwards showing off their rosy edges. This bizarre plant is an absolute delight and will be happy to move in with you as long as you provide it some nice drainage.

Bluebird (Crassula Arborescens Variegata)

Have some patience when waiting for the Bluebird to grow as it enjoys taking its sweet time. Similar to its cousin, the Silver Dollar Jade, you can see dreamy tinges of blues with purply-red tips and vibrant greens. A truly exotic plant that can grow up to 20 inches tall!

Botany Bay (Crassula Ovata)

This jade plant has the typical bright green fleshy leaves that are affected when in bright or dry climates. Normally in the wintertime, you will start to see tones of red on the edges of the leaves. This red color is most of the time harmless, but check to see if your jade plant is getting too little sun, too much water, or other factors.

Crassula Crosby's Contact

Many-branched, this slow-growing Crassula Ovata is actually a dwarf jade plant. Reds and greens make the Crosby's Contact a festive plant to put on display. One great thing about succulents is that they are easy to propagate so you can create a whole family of little Crassula Ovatas.

Crassula Dubia

This handsome succulent stays nice and low to the ground and really knows how to cover some ground. The Dubia has jade-colored leaves that are fleshy and oval in shape and is difficult to tell that it's only a cousin to the jade plants. Sometimes Crassula Dubia likes to go by its other name, Paddle succulent, so don't get confused when hearing either name.

Elephants Bush (Portulacaria Afra)

Although incredibly similar, this succulent known as a Dwarf Jade isn't actually related to the jade plants. This is a common mistake, especially due to their uncanny resemblance. This succulent is often used as elephant food for those hungry giants in South Africa where it is native.

Crassula Falcata 

Absolutely stunning red blooms take place on this greyish-blue jade plant and they can last up to a month. The Crassula Falcata is also known as the Propeller Plant or Airplant Plant, that's due to its wide leaves overlapping in pairs making a propeller-like effect.

Gollum (Crassula Ovata)

The leaves of this unique jade plant are tubular with splashes of red decorating the tips. You will see this plant reaching as tall as 3 feet and as wide as 2 feet across. When the time comes for the tiny tantalizing flowers to bloom they will pop up in soft pinks or whites.

Harbour Lights (Crassula Ovata)

Those are some bright reds shining on those little leaves that might remind you of a jade plant that we already met, Crassula Botany Bay. Just like the rest of the types of jade plants, Harbour Lights produces small white and pink flowers in clusters that contrast nicely against the reds and greens of the leaves.

Hobbit (Crassula Ovata)

The Hobbit Jade is very similar to the Gollum Jade however you will notice that the leaves aren't completely tubular like the Gollums. However, they do have matching red tips and cute white or pink flowers. This plant needs a lot of light but is easy to care for otherwise.

Hummel’s Sunset (Crassula Ovata)

The little white flowers blossoming against the sunset tones are a true sight to behold. The oranges, yellows, reds, and greens make this one of my favorite Jade Plants ever! Its growth can be up to 3 feet tall and like most succulents, it enjoys a lot of suns and well-drained soil.

Crassula Ivory Towers

The Ivory Tower looks almost identical to its cousin Crassula Perforata (or String of Buttons) and it may be hard to tell a difference. However, the leaves on the Ivory Towers are a lot more compacted together and have a chubbier flesh to them. We can definitely agree that they are both equally attractive succulents though.

Crassula Justus Corderoy

A crassula with a very unique appearance if I do say so myself. Thick, juicy, green leaves are splattered with reds, browns, and whites. The texture is velvety and you can expect to see it bloom clusters of dainty pink flowers.

Ken Aslet (Crassula Sarcocaulis)

Here is a cool representative of the Bonsai varieties of the Crassula genus. Ken Aslet grows a thick trunk to support small leaves that look almost like an inflated pine needle. They are at their best in late Spring or early Summer when they display their bundles of deep pink blooms.

Little Jade Tree (Crassula Ovata)

It almost looks like a tiny banana tree! Those aren't bananas though, they are colorful leaves bearing bright red, yellow, and green tones. This small Dwarf Jade is similar to a bonsai and makes a wonderful display in a home. You won't see many flowers on this plant but the beautiful leaves make up for it.

Lemon and Lime (Crassula Ovata Variegata)

Resembling its cousin the common Jade Plant, the characteristic that sets them apart are the large cream-colored strips running down the bowl-like leaves. If the color turns to a pinkish tinge, it might have been exposed to too much of the sun. This many-branching shrub is a picturesque plant for any garden or windowsill.

Minima (Crassula Ovata)

Dwarf Jades are always so cute, it's really hard to resist having them in your house. The Minima has a fleshy leaf that makes you want to just grab it and squeeze. This plant works great as a low-maintenance landscaping plant or obviously would be wonderful in a pot on the balcony.

Crassula Moonglow

A greenish-gray leaf that stacks tightly against one another as it grows thickly upwards. These succulents are not types of jade plants but can be easily confused for one by the untrained eye. The Moonglow is a fairly symmetrical succulent that will definitely bring a smile to your face.

Naked-Stalked (Crassula Nudicaulis)

Sharing a genus with our beloved jade plants, the Naked-Stalked Crassula is also a succulent with fleshy green leaves. The leaves are flat on top with a rounded bottom that can sometimes be hairy and the plant stays low to the ground. Flowers will appear in spring and sometimes again in the summertime.

Pink Beauty (Crassula Ovata)

Reds and greens decorate the oval leaves of this branched jade plant. The Pink Beauty spreads bunches of brightly colored pink flowers early to mid-winter that will bring a pleasant fragrance to an area. Have fun propagating this Crassula Ovata and giving cuttings to friends and families so they can have their own jade plant.

Pixie (Crassula Ovata)

Drool over the beauty of this jade plant in Autumn and Winter months when it dazzles you with its array of pink and white star-shaped flowers. This is a perfect house plant because it enjoys compact spaces and loves to be cared for.

Crassula Quadrangularis

Just look at that architecture! This has to be one of the more impressive Crassulas that I have seen as far as structure. Amazing how nature can adapt to become something so extraordinarily beautiful and strange at the same time.

Ruby (Crassula Ovata)

Named for its ruby-red leaves is a Jade Plant known for its great pot-performance. Depending on the size of pot you plant this firey Jade in is how big the plant will get, but over a 5 year period can reach a full meter in height. Imagine those bold red leaves in their full potential size!

Sienna (Crassula Ovata)

Similar to the Crassula Ovata Ruby, the Sienna has bright red tones that pop against the green leaves. However, the Sienna leaves grow in tighter clusters and the plant won't reach as tall as the Ruby, no matter the pot size. Depending on your garden arrangement, both plants are wonderful options.

String of Buttons (Crassula Perforata)

This little guy is actually pretty fast-growing for a succulent. It grows tentacle-like branches that relax overtime and hang carelessly like long hair. This makes it a wonderful plant for hanging baskets or pots. The plant almost looks comical when you first see it and definitely gets the attention it's asking for.

Tiger Jade (Crassula Picturata)

How cool is this? Those deep red dots decorating the ombre green canvas and framing the shape of each leaf. You can expect to see this plant not much taller than this image but it will spread out horizontally. Not a Crassula Ovata but a Crassula as well.

Undulatifolia (Crassula Arborescens)

Like the ripples in a wave or the ripple of a ripple chip! These leaves are dancing in their growth and showing off their curves. It is an easy plant to grow and will add a lot of texture to any garden arrangement. Just make sure it gets enough sun, light is essential to any succulent.

Wine Cup (Crassula Umbella)

I'm in love! A succulent that could potentially hold wine? I'll take two! All kidding aside (please don't try to literally pour wine into your succulent) this cousin of the Jade Plant that shares the same Crassula genus is stunning. Besides the unique style of cup-like leaves, it also produces large clumps of Fuschia pink flowers.

Crassula X Marchandii

An attractive succulent with shiny leaves that look identical to its cousin the Jade Plant. The Crassula X Marchandii has tightly stacked leaves that form a tall square tower. When given proper lighting the edges will gain a rosy pink tinge that is an absolute delight.

Sinocrassula Yunnanensis (Chinese Jade)

Ironically (because of the name) this succulent is not a Jade Plant and isn't even in the genus Crassula. The Yunnanensis is in the genus Sinocrassula which translates to “Chinese Crassula.” However, it is found in the same Plant Family; Crassulaceae. It is a fun-looking, small perennial succulent that has jade-colored leaves and could easily be mistaken for a Crassula.

Zipper Plant (Crassula Muscosa)

Watch Chain, Princess Pines, Lizard Tails, these are all alternative names for this groovy Crassula. I prefer Zipper Plant though because the formation of the leaves on the stem looks just like a zipper. This jade cousin only grows as tall as 15-20 centimeters and is fine hanging out indoors as long as it gets enough light.