How to Block Light from Windows Without Curtains? Here Are Clever Alternatives!

Finally, the kids fell asleep, you’re all done your work for the day, even the kitchen is tidy, and for once you get to tuck yourself into bed early.

Maybe, a little too early? It’s 8:00 pm on a summer’s day and the sun is still shining brightly through your bedroom window. So you ask yourself, how to block light from windows without curtains?

Tinfoil, or aluminum foil, is the most common and inexpensive way to block out light. This is an airtight option and it blocks out the light entirely when applied properly. Covering your window with this material is the best and most affordable way to block out light from windows without curtains.

However, this method is not going to work for everyone and some may be looking for other alternatives, so we have outlined other methods of blocking out the sun as an alternative to curtains.

Why do you want to block light from entering your home?

This seems like a good place to start since your reasoning for wanting to block light from your window might change the measures you choose to take to do so. Different alternatives could be applied depending on if you are needing a complete blackout so you can catch up on some sleep during the day or just looking for a quick cover so you can watch a matinee movie in the comfort of your home.

As talked about at the National Institute of Ageing, getting a good night’s sleep is essential to a healthy and happy life. A lack of sleep could push you towards being more irritable the next day, suffer from memory loss, and feel more depressed. So if the morning sun is preventing you from getting those extra couple of hours then prioritize fixing those windows. There are a few different ways we can go about this.

How to block light from windows without curtains?

We all know that curtains are a sure-fire way to keep that sometimes pesky sunlight from entering the home but maybe you aren’t a fan of how they look or how they function. Curtains can have their definite downsides. Cleaning them can be a pain, and depending on the curtains, even opening and closing them can be challenging in difficult to reach places. Plus, did you know that having curtains in the kitchen and bathroom can likely end with them covered in stains or mold? No, thank you!

So, you’re wondering how to block light from windows without curtains? Well, there are some conventional alternatives as well as some other clever ways. Let’s take a look!

What are some conventional alternatives to curtains?

These are some easy and reliable ideas that are easy to install and will do the trick of blocking that unwanted light. All of these suggestions you can find at local stores or online for purchase.

1. Using blinds to block light from the window

There are a lot of different kinds of blinds out there today. Everything from plastic to bamboo, ordinary to stylish, and cheap to expensive. Blinds do a great job at blocking out light and give you a couple of different options for letting the sunlight in when wanted. Pull them up for full sunlight or simply twist them open for a peek of what the day might bring.

2. Using window film to block light from the window

Nowadays you can find a complete blackout window film that protects you from light and UV rays. Easy to apply, the window film is a vinyl that sticks to your window glass and helps you block out the light from your room. The window film also provides excellent insulation and UV protection. Not only will you get a night of better sleep, but you will also save money on energy costs. That sounds like a win-win to me!

3. Using shades to block light from the window

Another easy option for blocking out light from your home are roller shades. You can find them at reasonable prices and they are very easy to use. I especially love the futuristic zebra shade that combines the soft look of shades with the functionality of blinds. However, there are some pretty cool patterned shades out there with pretty pictures or bold colors. If you want the best option for blocking out light though, you should look for some blackout shades.

4. Using shutters to block light from the window

For a romantic European sort-of look you could opt for shutters. There are a few different options for shutters, including ones that are on the inside or ones that are on the outside of the house. I personally love the delicately carved wooden ones. A simple push opens the shutters to let the light stream in so you can start your day well-rested.

What are some other clever ways to block light from windows?

Continuing on with our ideas on how to block light from windows without curtains, here are some interesting and clever alternatives. Although these suggestions might not do the best job at completely blacking out your room, they will definitely reduce any light coming in from the outside.

1. Using hanging objects to block light from the window

A large painted picture, an elegantly detailed mirror, a fun sign with a motivational quote, or perhaps a functional chalkboard can hang from above the window covering some or all of its frame. You may find that some light still enters in but it will surely be darker than before. This is a great budget-friendly option if you aren’t wanting to spend the money, but have something already laying around the house that can do the job.

2. Using plants to block light from the window

You’re not the only one who will benefit from this idea. Sun-loving plants will adore you for their new home right in front of the window so they can soak in that yummy sunlight. A large bushy plant sitting beneath the window, stretching up its leaves to cover some of that glass will reduce sunlight. Or, a hanging plant can be positioned strategically to cover up a large portion of the window. Plus, you will benefit from having some fresh air and charming greens decorating your room.

3. Using shelving to block light from the window

Depending on how big the window or windows that need covering are, perhaps some shelving will do the trick. A couple of boards across the window can be easily added. Then, depending on how much light you want to block, you can deliberately place knick-knacks, picture frames, plants, or other decor items you have on the shelves to do the blocking for you. Also, this is a really great technique if you have a lot of trinkets and nowhere to display them!

4. Using a privacy screen to block light from the window

You know in those old movies when you see the girl getting changed behind that foldable screen. She’s changing into “something more comfortable” as she tosses her other clothes overtop of the screen carelessly. Well, that my friends, is called a privacy screen, and they are quite fun and very adaptable. Because of their ability to fold up, it makes it easy to pull one of these out when you need some shutting off done, and to put it away when you’re ready to soak in some sunlight. On top of that, when it comes to decorating, they will really add to a room as they can often be found adorned in beautiful detail and style.

5. Using cardboard to block light from the window

Now, this must be the most budget-friendly option for a quick fix to a bright window. Even if you don’t have any cardboard laying around the house, most likely someone you know does, or the nearby grocery store. You won’t have to pay a dime to get a good piece of cardboard.

After that, the project will involve some measuring and cutting so that you can have the perfect size to cover up every inch of your window. It may not be the most aesthetically pleasing look, but it definitely will do the job.

Time to turn off the lights and relax in the darkness

So as we discussed, and that I’m sure you agree with, getting a good night’s sleep is essential to a good life, and not being woken up by the sun is important. Providing yourself with an easy way to block out the light from the window should be a priority on your list. After you get your first good night’s rest in total darkness, you won’t believe you didn’t fix that problem before.

In conclusion, choose the solution that works for you best depending on the room, the window, the budget, and the style preference. Then, let us know your solution to how to block light from windows with curtains in the comments below.