If you’re looking for new flowers to spice up your landscape, check out the flowers that start with N. This letter of the alphabet provides classics like New Guinea impatiens and the narcissus, better known as the daffodil, as well as some unique options.
If you want something your neighbors probably aren’t growing, try nigella or the nodding wakerobin.
This list has flowers that start with N for almost every climate, from cold-hardy favorites to desert-loving cacti. Take a look to find something that will suit your garden.
To learn more about the various flowers available for your garden, make sure to check out our list of “Flower Names A to Z”.
Flowers That Start With N
Quick Look
1. Naranjilla (Lulo)
- Scientific Name: Solanum quitoense
- Sun: Partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: Up to 8 feet (2.5 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Purple, white
The naranjilla is a small tree that produces small orange fruit after its beautiful flowers die. It prefers high altitudes, warm weather, and shade.
2. Narcissus (Daffodil)
- Scientific Name: Narcissus
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist during growing season
- Size: 8-30 inches (20-76 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: Medium, skin irritation, can be fatal if eaten
- Colors: Pink, orange, yellow, gold, white, variegated
3. Narrow-leaf Coneflower
- Scientific Name: Echinacea angustifolia
- Sun: Fun sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 1-2 feet (30-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -40°F (-40°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, orange, purple, lavender, white
The narrow-leaf coneflower can adapt to drought, humidity, heat, and poor soil conditions.
4. Narrowleaf Angelon
- Scientific Name: Angelonia angustifolia
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 1-4 feet (30-121 centimeters)k
- Lowest Temperature: 20°F (-6°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, blue, purple, lavender, white, variegated
5. Nasturtium
- Scientific Name: Tropaeolum
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Allow soil to dry between waterings
- Size: 1-10 feet (0.3-3 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -50°F (-45.5°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Red, burgundy, orange, yellow, gold, cream, tan
This flower has a unique colorization and its reds can bring vibrant color to your space.
6. Nectaroscordum (Sicilian Honey Garlic)
- Scientific Name: Nectaroscordum siculum
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 3-4 feet (0.91-1 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -45°F (-42.7°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, green, cream
7. Nelumbo (Lotus)
- Scientific Name: Nelumbo nicifera
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil wet or allow the plant to grow in ponds
- Size: 3-6 feet (0.91-1.8 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, white
This plant may be considered a noxious weed in some areas, including many midwestern states in the United States.
8. Nemesia (Cape Jewels)
- Scientific Name: Nemesia strumosa, or Antirrhinum strumosum
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 6-12 inches (15-30 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -50°F (-45.5°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, red, burgundy, orange, yellow, gold, cream, tan, white
9. Nemophila (Baby Blue-eyes)
- Scientific Name: Nemophila menziesii
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist and occasionally wet
- Size: 3-6 inches (7-15 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -50°F (-45.5°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Blue, white
10. Neomarica (Walking Iris)
- Scientific Name: Neomarica caerulea
- Sun: Partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 2-3 feet (60-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Purple, brown, white
Neomarica is considered invasive in Cuba and may be listed as such in other areas. Just be aware that this purple plant is poisonous to cats, unlike the cat-friendly plant below.
11. Nepeta (Catnip)
- Scientific Name: Nepeta
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: Up to 8 feet (2.5 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -40°F (-40°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Blue, purple, lavender, white
Nepeta is used to deter pests from the garden, but it might draw in cats instead.
12. Nerine (Guernsey Lily)
- Scientific Name: Nerine
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 14-18 inches (35-45 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 10°F (-12°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, red, burgundy, orange, yellow, gold, white
Nerine is best used as a container plant. Make sure the container has drainage holes and don’t water it during its dormancy.
13. Nerium (Rose Bay)
- Scientific Name: Nerium oleander
- Sun: Full usn, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 6.5-19.5 feet (1.9-5.9 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 10°F (-12°C)
- Toxicity: High, can be fatal if eaten, causes skin irritation
- Colors: Pink, red, burgundy, orange, yellow, gold, purple, lavender, cream, tan, white
14. Nettle-leaved Bellflower
- Scientific Name: Campanula trachelium
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade, dappled sunlight
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 2-3 feet (60-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Blue, purple, lavender
15. Nettle-leaved Mullein
- Scientific Name: Verbascum chaixii
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 2-3 feet (60-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Purple, white
16. New Guinea Impatiens
- Scientific Name: Impatiens hawkeri
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade, dappled sunlight, deep shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 12-15 inches (30-38 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, red, burgundy, orange, purple, lavender, white
17. New York Ironweed
- Scientific Name: Vernonia noveboracensis
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist and occasionally wet
- Size: 5-8 feet (1.5-2.4 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Purple, lavender
18. New Zealand Tea Tree (Manuka)
- Scientific Name: Leptospermum scoparium
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 3-12 feet (0.91-3.6 meters)
- Lowest Temperature: 20°F (-6°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Red, pink, white
19. Nierembergia (Cup Flower)
- Scientific Name: Nierembergia linariifolia
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist and occasionally wet
- Size: 6-12 inches (15-30 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 10°F (-12°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Blue, purple, lavender
20. Nigella
- Scientific Name: Nigella damascena
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Keep soil moist and occasionally wet
- Size: 1-2.5 feet (30-76 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -50°F (-45.5°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Blue, purple, lavender, white
21. Nippon Daisy
- Scientific Name: Nipponanthemum nipponicum, formerly Chrysanthemum nipponicum
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant
- Size: 1.5-3 feet (45-91 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: White
22. Nodding Ladies’ Tresses
- Scientific Name: Spiranthes cernua
- Sun: Partial shade
- Water: Keep soil moist and occasionally wet
- Size: 9-24 inches (22-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -20°F (-28°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: White
23. Nodding Onion
- Scientific Name: Allium cernuum
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Drought tolerant, keep soil moist
- Size: 0.5-2 feet (15-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, purple, lavender, white
24. Nodding Wakerobin
- Scientific Name: Trillium flexipes
- Sun: Partial shade, dappled sunlight, deep shade
- Water: Keep soil moist
- Size: 1.5-2 feet (45-60 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: -30°F (-34°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Red, burgundy, white
25. Notocactus
- Scientific Name: Notocactus herteri
- Sun: Full sun
- Water: Drought tolerant, allow soil to dry between waterings
- Size: Up to 6 inches (15 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 25°F (-4°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Pink, yellow
The blooms of the notocactus only last for a few days, but they will develop several flowers in late spring.
26. Nymphaea (Water Lily)
- Scientific Name: Nymphaea caerulea
- Sun: Full sun, partial shade
- Water: Keep soil wet or allow the plant to grow in ponds
- Size: 9-12 inches (22-30 centimeters)
- Lowest Temperature: 30°F (-1.1°C)
- Toxicity: None
- Colors: Blue, purple, lavender, white
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